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Weekly Horoscope, February 26 to March 3, 2024: Astrological Prediction for All Zodiac Signs

Weekly Horoscope

WEEKLY HOROSCOPE, FEBRUARY 26 TO MARCH 3, 2024: Get your weekly prediction from renowned astrologer Chirag. Find out what the stars have in store for you in coming week in terms of love, career, health, and more.

Weekly Horoscope


According to Ganesha, this week brings excellent fortune to anyone born under the sign of Aries. At the start of the week, your best friend or an influential person will provide a solution to a major difficulty. This will provide you significant relief. Good fortune will be with you from the start to the finish of the week.

Efforts done in the area of career and business will be fruitful. The desired success will be realised in activities involving power and governance. This will be a particularly good period for working women. Their reputation and dignity will grow at home and abroad, and their financial situation will improve.

In the later portion of the week, a spontaneous excursion to a holy site may be planned. During this time, persons born under the sign of Aries will be particularly interested in religious and social issues. By the end of the week, you will have received some positive news about your child, creating a happy mood in the home. There will be intensity in a love connection, and you will be able to spend quality time with your romantic partner. Health will stay normal, and married life will be cheerful.

Lucky Colour: Golden
Lucky Number: 11


According to Ganesha, Taurus individuals should prioritise their health and relationships this week. At the start of the week, you may be afflicted by seasonal illness or the resurgence of an existing ailment. Do not disregard any health-related issues at this time; otherwise, you may need to visit the hospital. This week, Taurus people should strive to avoid casual chat with others at home and outside. You will be disappointed if your family do not provide the assistance you anticipate.

People in business may have difficulties in the latter half of the week. They may encounter severe rivalry from their opponents. During this time, young professionals will face several challenges. If you want to communicate your love to someone, instead of rushing into it, wait for the proper time.

If you are already in a love relationship, you should avoid any misunderstandings. Your spouse’s support will help you through difficult situations.

Lucky Colour: Maroon
Lucky Number: 3


According to Ganesha, this week will be mixed for those born under the sign of Gemini. This week, you will have several possibilities to enhance your job and business, but owing to health or domestic issues, you will be unable to take full use of them. This week will be modest for business professionals. They will have trouble withdrawing the money that is stuck in the market. If you are considering conducting new work with someone or are already doing business in partnership, be extremely cautious in money transfers, etc.

In the middle of the week, you should focus on your goals rather than getting into unneeded difficulty. People preparing for examinations and contests will need to put in more time and effort to reach their goals.

In the later half of the week, you may have to pay extra out of pocket for house repairs, etc. This may cause problems with your budget. Do not disregard your love partner’s emotions or compulsions if you want to develop your connection. Marital life will stay routine, with few bitter fights.

Lucky Colour: Violet
Lucky Number: 9


According to Ganesha, this week, persons born under the sign of Cancer will require additional hard work, effort, and time management to achieve their intended tasks on time. At the start of the week, you may need to travel large or short distances for work or business.

Take good care of your things and health during the voyage; otherwise, you may encounter complications. During this time, you may experience stomach troubles; in such cases, maintain a proper diet. Working folks will need to collaborate with both seniors and juniors at their employment this week in order to meet their goals on time.

Students may lose interest in their academics throughout the second half of the week. During this period, avoid squandering money on frivolous purchases; otherwise, you may need to apply for a loan later. People born under the sign of Cancer should use caution when driving this week; else, they may get an injury. Love connections will become natural. Married folks will have complete support from their spouse throughout their lives.

Lucky Colour: Silver
Lucky Number: 4


According to Ganesha, persons born under the sign of Leo will experience both pain and delight this week. While you may have to deal with some health issues at the start of the week, you may also receive some positive news from your work or company. Those who have been seeking for work for a long time may find considerable success during this period. If your relationships with your loved ones have deteriorated due to some difficulty, all misconceptions may be cleared out with the assistance of a senior person.

In the middle of the week, you may need to travel vast miles for business. Businesspeople should use caution when doing financial transactions. At the same time, dangerous investments must be avoided. This week, the housewives will bear an increased load of work.

In the later half of the week, you will meet an influential individual who will assist you gain access to profitable schemes. Misunderstandings in romantic relationships will be overcome. Marriage will stay pleasant.

Lucky Colour: Red
Lucky Number: 5


According to Ganesha, the people born under the sign of Virgo will have a mixed week. You will be busy with work at the start of the week, so you will have less time for your loved ones. People in business may have to travel more in order to do their business. Simultaneously, working individuals will face work-related stress. Instead of going to court to handle property and building problems, it would be more suitable to negotiate them.

The second half of the week will be a bit of a respite for you after the first half. During this period, any difficulties that arise at work will be handled, and you will have complete support from your relatives. This will be a difficult moment for anybody involved in commissions and marketing. An expansion in their network and efforts will result in the desired success.

People suffering from certain diseases will see an improvement in their health. If you had a disagreement with your love partner about something, a friend can help you address the misconceptions and strengthen your love connection. Marriage will stay pleasant.

Lucky Colour: Blue
Lucky Number: 10


According to Ganesha, this week is fortunate for persons born under the sign of Libra. If you are looking for a career or a business opportunity overseas, you could be in luck this week. Librans will receive full assistance from both seniors and juniors at work. If you’ve been wanting to purchase and sell land and property for a while, you could be successful this week.

This week will be fortunate for doctors, physicians, attorneys, consultants, and students preparing for exams and contests. Students, teenagers, and jobless people will be given a new direction thanks to the assistance of a prominent individual.

Love connections will get stronger. If you are considering transforming your love connection into marriage, all of the difficulties will be erased. Your loved ones will consent to marry you. There will be love and peace among family members and couples. You will have several possibilities to experience pleasant times.

Lucky Colour: Green
Lucky Number: 2


This week, Ganesha advises Scorpios to avoid incurring distant losses in return for near-term benefits. The beginning of the week will be busier in terms of career and business. During this period, you must use extreme caution in the workplace. They may try to obstruct your job.

Any family issue might bring you a great deal of concern. Any difficulty at home or at business should be resolved by mutual communication. During this period, avoid making false claims or slandering somebody, since this may hurt your reputation.

In the later half of the week, lengthy or short-distance business travel is conceivable. The adventure will be enjoyable and beneficial. Students preparing for examinations and contests will have some good news. Love relationships will stay normal. In married life, you will be concerned about your spouse’s health. However, you must continue to take good care of your health.

Lucky Colour: Gray
Lucky Number: 15


According to Ganesha, this week will be full of enjoyment and blessings for Sagittarius. At the start of the week, you can make significant progress in your professional and commercial endeavours. Your efforts will be acknowledged at work. If you’ve been contemplating about shifting jobs for a while, your desire may be granted this week.

You could get a nice deal before the end of the week. Wealth will rise with time. Entrepreneurs’ desire to expand their businesses may be realised. The unique aspect is that you will receive the complete backing of your relatives. Respect for political figures will grow in society. They may be assigned to the desired position or given significant responsibilities.

You will have the option to engage in a religious-social programme later in the week. Love relationships will expand, and love life will flourish. Marriage will stay pleasant.

Lucky Colour: Yellow
Lucky Number: 7


According to Ganesha, Capricorn will have a prosperous and happy week. Your planned duties will be executed on time starting at the beginning of the week. As a result, you will notice an incredible level of energy and confidence. Your previous hard work and efforts will provide positive rewards this week. If you’ve been trying for a long time to secure a promotion or move to your chosen position, your wish may be granted this week.

This week, you will receive fresh ideas and recommendations for moving forward in your life. There will be a rise in business, therefore you will get more engaged in it. If you are preparing for a competition, you will achieve the best outcomes if you work hard. Obstacles in the lives of working women will be removed, and they will get full assistance at work, home, and with their families. Closeness will increase in romantic relationships. Marriage will stay pleasant.

Lucky Colour: Pink
Lucky Number: 6


Ganesha predicts that this week will be more auspicious and prosperous for Aquarius than the previous week. This week, a major issue that has been plaguing your life for a long time may be resolved. Your job and commercial selections will prove to be accurate, and you will gain greatly as a result.

This week, your regard and dignity will grow dramatically. People will take you seriously, whether at home or in society. If a matter is now pending in court, the outcome may be favourable to you. You will inherit ancestral property.

In the second half of the week, you’ll meet several prominent government figures. You will have the possibility to participate in some profitable schemes in the future. This week will also be favourable for students. Obstacles to higher education will be eliminated. Someone may join the lives of single people, while an established love connection grows stronger. You will have several opportunity to spend time joyfully with your partner. Health will be usual.

Lucky Colour: Black
Lucky Number: 10


Ganesha predicts that this week will be particularly favourable for Pisces individuals in terms of love, money, and growth. If you are in business and have money stuck in the market, it will come out unexpectedly this week. Employed individuals will also have opportunity to enhance their professions. With the assistance of a female friend, you might realise your ambition of gaining a job or contract at the desired location. Additional streams of income will be generated, and accumulated wealth will grow. Everyone will be praising your family selections. The public’s faith in you will grow.

A spontaneous long or short-distance excursion is feasible in the second half of the week. During this period, relationships will be developed with certain prominent people in the government. If you set aside little issues, your overall health will be normal. Love relationships will get stronger, and harmony with your lover will improve. You will have opportunity to spend delightful time with your family.

Lucky Colour: Orange
Lucky Number: 8.