Thick Brush Stroke

Sebastian Stan is fluent  in multiple languages,  including English, Romanian,  and  Russian.

Thick Brush Stroke

Before becoming an actor,  Sebastian trained as a  ballet dancer and attended the Rockland Conservatory of Music's ballet program. 

Thick Brush Stroke

Sebastian Stan obtained  U.S. citizenship in 2002  after moving to the US during his teenage years. 

Thick Brush Stroke

Due to his resemblance to a  young Mark Hamill, Sebastian  Stan has been a subject of  speculation for playing a  young Luke Skywalker. 

Thick Brush Stroke

Initially considered for the  role of Captain America/ Steve Rogers, Sebastian Stan  eventually landed the part of  Bucky Barnes in the MCU.

Thick Brush Stroke

Sebastian Stan enjoys  cooking and has  expressed an interest in  becoming a chef if he  weren't an actor. 

Thick Brush Stroke

Sebastian Stan & Chris Evans,  who play best friends in the  MCU, have developed a close  real-life friendship, referred  to as the "Stucky" duo.

Thick Brush Stroke

As an actor, Sebastian Stan  leads a somewhat nomadic  lifestyle, frequently moving  between filming locations 

Thick Brush Stroke

Sebastian Stan has a hidden  talent for drawing and  occasionally shares his  artwork on social media.

Thick Brush Stroke

Sebastian dropped out from  Rutgers University's acting  program, but he later returned  to complete his education.