Thick Brush Stroke

Sean Penn had an early  interest in journalism, working  as a correspondent for the  "Santa Monica Evening  Outlook" in the 1970s.

Thick Brush Stroke

Sean Penn's film debut was  in the 1981 movie "Taps,"  but his role as Cadet Captain  Alex Dwyer was uncredited. 

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Sean Penn developed a  close friendship with actor  Christopher Walken during the  filming of "At Close Range" (1986).

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Sean Penn was the frontman  of a rock band called  "The Kid" and released an  album titled "Cupid's Trick." 

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During Hurricane Katrina in  2005, Sean Penn traveled to  New Orleans and used his own  boat for rescue efforts to help stranded residents. 

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In 2009, Sean Penn  announced a temporary  break from acting to focus on humanitarian work in Haiti. 

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While preparing for his role  in "The Gunman" (2015),  Sean Penn met with notorious  Mexican drug lord Joaquín  "El Chapo" Guzmán.

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Sean Penn is a published  novelist & journalist, writing  opinion pieces for major  newspapers like the Chronicle  and The Washington Post. 

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Penn co-founded the "Los  Angeles-based Film Festival,"  which aims to showcase films  with a social conscience. 

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Sean Penn has no interest  in receiving a star on the  Hollywood Walk of Fame,  considering the accolade "meaningless."