Thick Brush Stroke

Arnold started various  businesses, including a  bricklaying company and a  mail-order business, to fund his bodybuilding training.

Thick Brush Stroke

Before becoming a  bodybuilding champion and  Hollywood star, Arnold served  as a police officer in Austria.

Thick Brush Stroke

Arnold had a secret  pen pal named Betty Weider,  the wife of "Muscle & Fitness" magazine's publisher, Joe Weider.

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Arnold was temporarily  banned from competing in  Mr. Universe for entering a competition without the Austrian Bodybuilding Fed's permission.

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As a naturalized U.S. citizen,  Arnold dreams of becoming  the President of the United  States were unattainable.

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Arnold Schwarzenegger is  a passionate advocate for environmental conservation  and supports various initiatives  to combat climate change.

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An animal lover, Arnold has  publicly voiced his support  for animal rights initiatives. 

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Besides English, Arnold  speaks several languages  fluently, including German,  French, and Italian. 

Thick Brush Stroke

Arnold holds the title of  "Honorary Knight  Commander of the Order  of the British Empire" (KBE)  from Queen Elizabeth II.

Thick Brush Stroke

Arnold has authored  children's books, aiming to  inspire the younger generation  to embrace fitness and  healthy lifestyles.