Thick Brush Stroke

Pierce Brosnan worked as  a fire-eater in his  early career as a  street performer in London. 

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Brosnan is a skilled artist  and has exhibited his  paintings in galleries  around the world. 

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Brosnan was once considered  for the role of Batman in the  1989 film, but he had to  turn it down due to his  commitment to the TV series.

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Brosnan was trained as a  commercial illustrator  before pursuing a career  in acting. 

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Brosnan was initially  hesitant to take on the role  of James Bond due to his commitments to  "Remington Steele" .

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Brosnan is a trained musician  and can play the guitar  and the piano. 

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Brosnan is a supporter of the  LGBTQ+ community and has  been an advocate for marriage  equality and other  LGBTQ+ rights issues. 

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Brosnan was once mistaken  for a member of the  Swedish royal family  while on a trip to Stockholm. 

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Brosnan is a fan of the TV  series "Game of Thrones" and  has said that he would have  loved to appear on the show. 

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Brosnan is a certified diver  and has been active in ocean conservation efforts, including supporting the establishment  of marine reserves.