Thick Brush Stroke

Mark Wahlberg had a  successful rap career under  the name "Marky Mark"  before pursuing acting.

Thick Brush Stroke

Wahlberg is the youngest  of nine siblings,  fostering his strong  family values. 

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Wahlberg dropped out of  high school at 14 but  later earned his diploma  through an online program. 

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Despite his rap success,  Wahlberg admits  he doesn't enjoy listening  to his own music. 

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Wahlberg is an entrepreneur  involved in the restaurant  industry, owning Wahlburgers  and investing in fitness  and wellness. 

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Wahlberg filed a pardon  request for a past  racially motivated assault  but later dropped it. 

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Wahlberg aspired to be a  professional athlete,  particularly in football,  before pursuing acting. 

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Wahlberg underwent tattoo  removal to maintain a  more professional image  for his acting roles. 

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Wahlberg actively supports  various charitable causes,  particularly those focused on children's health, education, and disaster relief efforts. 

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Despite his tough image,  Wahlberg openly admits  to struggling with  flight anxiety.