Thick Brush Stroke

McAvoy was born with a heart  murmur and had to undergo  surgery to correct the condition  when he was a child.

Thick Brush Stroke

McAvoy is an  accomplished musician  and can play the piano,  guitar, and drums.

Thick Brush Stroke

McAvoy is fluent in  French, having lived in Paris  for a year when  he was a teenager. 

Thick Brush Stroke

McAvoy was once a  member of a hip-hop  dance troupe called  "The Acceptable In Public Crew." 

Thick Brush Stroke

McAvoy is a big fan of the  popular video game series  "Grand Theft Auto" and  has admitted to playing it  for hours on end. 

Thick Brush Stroke

McAvoy was once hit by a  car while riding his bike,  but fortunately escaped  with only minor injuries.

Thick Brush Stroke

McAvoy is a certified diver  and has gone on several  diving trips around  the world.

Thick Brush Stroke

McAvoy once worked as  a youth worker, helping to  mentor and support young  people in his local community.

Thick Brush Stroke

McAvoy is an animal  lover and has several pets,  including dogs and cats.

Thick Brush Stroke

McAvoy is a fan of comic  books and has stated that  he would love to play a superhero  in a film someday.