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Angelina Jolie earned  her pilot's license  in 2004 and  is a skilled pilot. 

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Jolie has a fascination  with snakes and  has owned several pet snakes  over the years. 

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In addition to English,  Jolie is fluent in French  and proficient in German. 

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Jolie was granted honorary  citizenship in Cambodia for  her efforts in promoting  conservation, human rights,  and education. 

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Jolie collaborated with luxury  jewelry designer Robert Procop  to create "The Style of Jolie"  line, with proceeds going to her charitable foundation. 

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Jolie holds a Guinness  World Record for being  the highest-paid actress  in a single year. 

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Jolie co-authored the book  "I Am Malala: The Girl Who  Stood Up for Education  and Was Shot by the Taliban." 

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Jolie comes from a  family with a strong  connection to the Oscars,  with her father winning  an Academy Award 

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Jolie has exhibited her  own artwork, including  paintings and photographs , in galleries worldwide. 

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Jolie has expressed interest  in politics and global affairs,  engaging in diplomatic work and serving as a visiting professor at the London School of Economics.