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Prince Harry’s ‘greed and cynicism’ blasted: ‘He just wants money’


Prince Harry has just been called out over the amount of ‘greed and cynicism’ he allegedly possess.

These claims have been issued by royal commentator and author Maureen Callahan in a piece for the Daily Mail.

She started by questioning, “How greedy and cynical can you get? The book is already a gonzo bestseller. Chances are anyone who joined this chat already has their copy. But Harry has to make more money and guarantee more time on the bestseller list, shame be damned.”

“This set the tone for the discussion to follow: Myopically narcissistic, intellectually vapid, and, above all, hypocritical.”

“This is Harry’s true brand — not as a mental health leader or a humanitarian or as a warrior against institutional racism in the royal family — whoops, he walked that back a few weeks ago after scooping up a Kennedy honor — but Grade-A hypocrite.”


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