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Majority of adults say they are concerned about the welfare of their ageing parents

More than eight in 10 adults with ageing parents are worried about their welfare and security – but want them to retain independence.

A poll of 2,000 adults with mums and dads over 70 found falls, scammers, and burglars are among their biggest concerns.

And 61 per cent of adult children would like to ensure the safety and security of their elderly parents.

However, despite the desire to intervene, 46 per cent fear doing so would make their parents feel like a burden.

Commissioned by smart home security company, Ring, the study found 24 per cent try to speak to their elderly parents at least once a week.

But 11 per cent would check in more frequently if they could.

It also emerged 71 per cent worry up to 10 times a week about how their elderly parents will cope with things around the house as they get older.

And 12 per cent said neither they nor their siblings live near their elderly parents.

Dave Ward, managing director UK and International at Ring, said: “As our loved ones age, we want to look after their wellbeing and safety, while at the same respecting their autonomy and personal space.

“Embracing thoughtful and innovative technology solutions like a video doorbell can offer new ways to stay connected and ensure the safety of our aging family members – without intruding on their lives.”

The study also found 34 per cent have experienced issues with their elderly parents that could’ve been avoided.

A third have had a parent fall with no one nearby to help and 26 per cent expressed concern that their parents weren’t doing enough exercise.

More than one in five (22 per cent) said their elderly parents struggle to do their weekly shop and 16 per cent said their mum or dad weren’t leaving the house and were relying on deliveries.

It also emerged that despite half thinking their elderly parents would tell them if they were having issues due to their age, 32 per cent don’t think they would.

As a result, 30 per cent of respondents have considered using a smart home security solution to offer peace of mind.

And of those already using one, 35 per cent said emergency call buttons are most beneficial, followed by video doorbells (28 per cent) and motion detection alerts (24 per cent).

While two thirds of those polled, via, would feel reassured if they could check-in on their elderly parents through a home security system.

Talking about her worries for her elderly parent, Jane Thompson, 55, from South East London, said: “My 88-year-old mum lives independently at home and has always effectively taken care of her finances, household administration and been aware of scammers.

“However, she has recently been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Dementia and, unfortunately, earlier in the year, nearly fell foul to a cowboy builder who came to her front door.

“A video doorbell would have given me the peace of mind I needed during this time.”

While Laura Ingledew, a 32-year-old mum from Hartlepool, said: “I moved my nanna in with us after her health deteriorated.

“I work long hours, so to ensure she’s safe whilst I’m away from the home, I installed a video doorbell.

“The device means I get notifications when someone rings the bell, and I’ve shown her how to talk to the person on the other side of the door on the app if she is unsure of who they are and why they are there.”

Brits biggest worries about their elderly parents:

  1. Health issues
  2. Falls and injuries
  3. Decline in memory
  4. Loneliness
  5. Scammers
  6. Driving safety
  7. Maintaining the home
  8.   Barriers with technology
  9. Medication management
  10. Financial security
  11. Burglars
  12. Builders/workmen/salesmen taking financial advantage
  13. Preparing food safely

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