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Katy Perry pays hearty tribute to Patricia Bragg


Katy Perry pays hearty tribute to Patricia Bragg
Katy Perry pays hearty tribute to Patricia Bragg

Katy Perry pays heartfelt tribute to her old family friend Patricia Bragg who died on August 10, aged 94.

Bragg use to attend the church sermons where Katy Perry’s parents used to be pastors and since then Bragg and Perry’s mom wanted to take over Bragg Live Foods, (ACV).

The One that Got Away singer began her caption by praising the friend, “My friend and health Queen Patricia Bragg was living proof that good things come in small packages. She may have been pint-sized, but she was bold, boisterous, and beautiful…like a fairy of happiness and health, with flowers in her hair, always singing, dancing, bouncing around doling out health quips with every twirl!”

Perry side by side also promoted yet counted the benefits of Braggs vinegar noting, “I have to admit, when my mom first introduced me and my siblings to Patricia (and Bragg apple cider vinegar) in the 90’s, we were bewildered by both, lol #iykyk,” and adding “But as wisdom comes with age, she ended up not only being good for my body but my soul.”

“As a teenager she warned me against underwire bras and always told me to stand up straight! As an adult, and now as a parent, I find myself following her sage advice. Sometimes, I put a Bragg ACV shot in Daisy’s lunch and so, it’s my little way of continuing on her legacy of “health is wealth.”

“She was a real believer in expression, joy, and creativity, and when I identified that music was my thing, she bought me my first guitar. She was always there for my family, like a our eccentric, health-first Auntie. So glad I got to be there for her final birthday, and that my mom was able to pray over her the day she transitioned into the light.”

I’m forever grateful for my friend, the life she led dedicated to the well-being of others, and of course for that little blue guitar that changed the course of my life. Thanks for looking out for us all Patricia,” the Dark Horse Girl songstress concluded.


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