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Jennifer Lawrence admits being ‘unsure’ about doing ‘The Hunger Games’


Jennifer Lawrences was unsure about The Hunger Games because of Twilight success
Jennifer Lawrence’s was unsure about ‘The Hunger Games’ because of ‘Twilight’ success

Jennifer Lawrence recently shared that she was unsure whether she should do The Hunger Games or not. 

While recalling old days at a podcast, The Rewatchables, Jennifer shared that decision was being hindered because of the success of Twilight at the time. 

However, she also revealed she gave an audition for the role of Bella Swan, but she was immediately rejected.

“I auditioned for Twilight. They turned me down immediately. I didn’t even get a callback”, said the actress.

Jennifer felt life would have been different if she had been taken on-board for the role that went to Kristen Stewart. Though her life did change soon after when The Hunger Games franchise dropped in her lap.

While talking about the same, the 32-year-old actress said: “I almost didn’t do Hunger Games because Twilight had come out, and that fandom had happened,”

The Red Sparrow actress was double minded while picking up the role in The Hunger Games due to Twilight success. She said: “When I was trying to talk to people about making this decision after they offered it to me, I was just like, ‘I don’t know.”

“It was so hard to explain to people, like, I don’t think you understand this level of fame.”

However, her character, Katniss Everdeen bought her immense success which according to Jennifer “was just never something I had in mind”, told Entertainment Tonight.

Jennifer Lawrence remarked: “I wanted to do Indies. I wanted to do good films, but I didn’t want to be the most famous person on the planet. That’s a very different life than what I had pictured for myself.”


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