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How to improve your website speed according to AdSense?

How to improve your website speed according to AdSense

How to improve your website speed according to AdSense


Website speed is an important factor in determining the success of your online presence. A slow-loading website can lead to a poor user experience, resulting in high bounce rates and low conversions. Additionally, search engines like Google take website speed into account when determining search engine rankings. In this guide, we will discuss various methods for improving the speed of your website, including optimizing images, minimizing HTTP requests, using a content delivery network (CDN), minifying and combining files, and enabling browser caching. By following these tips, you can help ensure that your website loads quickly and provides a positive user experience for all visitors.

Why you should improve your website’s speed?

Improving a website’s speed can have several benefits, including:
► Improved user experience: A faster website will load more quickly, reducing user frustration and increasing the likelihood that they will stay on the site.
► Increased conversions: Studies have shown that faster websites can lead to increased conversions and sales.
► Better search engine rankings: Search engines, such as Google, use page load speed as a ranking factor. A faster website can help improve search engine rankings and increase visibility.
► Reduced hosting costs: Faster websites can use less server resources, which can reduce hosting costs.
► Improved mobile experience: Websites that load quickly on mobile devices can provide a better user experience for mobile users.

Overall, a faster website can lead to increased traffic, higher conversions, and better search engine rankings, which can ultimately drive more revenue for a business.

Recommendations on how to improve your website’s speed according to AdSense

Here are a few recommendations for improving your website’s speed according to AdSense:

► Optimize images: Make sure that all images on your website are properly optimized, as large, unoptimized images can slow down page load times.
► Minimize HTTP requests: Try to reduce the number of HTTP requests your website makes, as each request can add additional load time.
► Use a content delivery network (CDN): A CDN can help distribute your website’s content across multiple servers, which can help reduce load times for users.
► Minify and combine files: Minifying your CSS, JavaScript and HTML files can help reduce their file size and combining them can help reduce the number of HTTP requests.
► Enable browser caching: Enabling browser caching allows your website’s files to be stored on a user’s computer, so that they don’t have to be downloaded each time the user visits your website.
► Use a tool like Google’s PageSpeed Insights to analyze your website and get more specific recommendations for improving its speed.

It is important to note that Google AdSense’s policy requires that the website should load in under 5 seconds and should be accessible to all users, including those on mobile devices.

Does Limiting the number of WordPress Plugins helps in website’s speed?

Limiting the number of WordPress plugins on a website can help improve the site’s speed. Each plugin can add additional code and resources that need to be loaded when a page is accessed, and having too many plugins can slow down the loading time of a website.

Additionally, some plugins may not be well-optimized, which can also slow down a website. By limiting the number of plugins, you can reduce the amount of code and resources that need to be loaded, and potentially eliminate any performance issues caused by poorly optimized plugins.

Furthermore, Running too many plugin can also create compatibility issues between them, or cause conflicts that can cause errors, or even crashes on your website.

It is also important to keep your plugin updated to the latest version, this will help in terms of performance, security and compatibility issues.

Overall, limiting the number of WordPress plugins can help improve a website’s speed, but it is also important to use only the necessary plugin and keep them updated.

How to Reduce unused CSS to improve your website’s speed?

There are several ways to reduce unused CSS and improve a website’s speed:

► Use CSS preprocessors like SASS and LESS. These tools allow you to write CSS in a more organized and modular way, and can help reduce the amount of unused CSS in a website.
► Use a CSS minifier. This will remove any unnecessary white space and comments from your CSS, reducing the file size and improving load times.
► Use a CSS linter. This will scan your CSS and identify any unused selectors, which you can then remove.
► Use a tool like PurgeCSS. This tool scans your website’s HTML and JavaScript files and removes any CSS selectors that are not used in those files.
► Use a tool like critical CSS. This will scan your website and identify the CSS that is required for the initial page load, and the rest can be loaded later.
► Use a tool like Webpack to bundle your CSS and JavaScript, this will help with the loading of the website.
► Use a content delivery network (CDN) to deliver your CSS files. This will speed up the delivery of your files to your users by distributing them across a network of servers.
► Keep your CSS files as simple as possible. This will make it easier to maintain and will help speed up the loading time of your website.

It’s important to note that, reducing unused CSS can help improve a website’s speed, but it is also important to keep in mind that the process of removing unused CSS can be tricky and can break your website, so it’s always a good idea to have a backup of your website before trying to remove unused CSS.

How to Reduce unused Java Script to improve your website’s speed?

There are several ways to reduce unused JavaScript and improve a website’s speed:

► Use a tool like Webpack or Rollup to bundle and minify your JavaScript. This will reduce the number of files that need to be loaded and also minify the code to reduce the file size.
► Use a tool like Tree shaking. This is a technique used in bundling to eliminate unused code by analyzing the imports and exports of your code and only including the code that is actually used.
► Use a tool like ESLint to scan your code and identify any unused variables or functions.
► Use a tool like Chrome DevTools, to profile your website and identify any scripts that are taking a long time to load.
► Use a tool like Lazy loading. This will allow you to load only the JavaScript that is needed for the current view, and load the rest later.
► Use a tool like Async or Defer. This will allow you to load your JavaScript asynchronously, which can help improve the load time of your website.
► Use a content delivery network (CDN) to deliver your JavaScript files. This will speed up the delivery of your files to your users by distributing them across a network of servers.
► Keep your JavaScript files as simple as possible. This will make it easier to maintain and will help speed up the loading time of your website.

It’s important to note that, reducing unused JavaScript can help improve a website’s speed, but it is also important to keep in mind that the process of removing unused JavaScript can be tricky and can break your website, so it’s always a good idea to have a backup of your website before trying to remove unused JavaScript.

How to serve images in next-gen formats to improve your website’s speed?

There are several ways to serve images in next-gen formats to improve a website’s speed:

► Use webp image format. This is a new image format developed by Google that offers better compression than traditional formats like JPEG and PNG. This can lead to smaller file sizes and faster load times.
► Use AVIF image format. This is an open-source image format that promises to offer even better compression than WebP, potentially reducing image file sizes even further.
► Use a tool like or to convert your images to next-gen formats like webp or AVIF, and to optimize them for the web.
► Use a plugin like webp converter for WordPress or Squoosh WordPress plugin which will automatically convert your images to next-gen formats.
► Use a service like Cloudinary or Imgix to handle the conversion and optimization of your images.
► Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN) which will automatically serve images in next-gen formats.
► Use picture and source tags in HTML, this will allow you to specify different image formats for different devices and browsers.

It’s important to keep in mind that, Some older browsers and devices may not support next-gen image formats like WebP or AVIF, so you may need to provide fallback options in the form of traditional formats like JPEG and PNG.

How to Eliminate render-blocking resources to improve your site’s speed?

There are several ways to eliminate render-blocking resources and improve a website’s speed:

► Defer or async loading of JavaScript: By using the “defer” or “async” attributes, you can tell the browser to load JavaScript files after the initial render of the page, which can speed up the time it takes for the page to become visible to the user.
► Inline critical CSS: By inlining the CSS that is required for the initial render of the page, you can eliminate the need for the browser to make an additional request for the CSS file.
► Minimize the size of CSS and JavaScript files: By minifying the size of CSS and JavaScript files, you can reduce the time it takes for the browser to download and process them.
► Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN): By using a CDN, you can distribute your resources across multiple servers, which can help reduce the time it takes for the browser to download them.
► Use browser caching: By setting the cache headers for your resources, you can tell the browser to store a copy of the resource locally, so it doesn’t have to be downloaded again on subsequent page loads.
► Use preload, preconnect or dns-prefetch: These are the resource hints that tell the browser to start loading resources before they are actually needed.
► Use the media attribute on link tags for stylesheets. This will allow the browser to only download the stylesheets that are needed for the current view and device.

It’s important to note that, Eliminating render-blocking resources can help improve a website’s speed, but it is also important to keep in mind that the process of eliminating render-blocking resources can be tricky and can break your website, so it’s always a good idea to have a backup of your website before trying to eliminate render-blocking resources.

How to Avoid enormous network payloads to improve your website’s speed?

There are several ways to avoid enormous network payloads and improve a website’s speed:

► Minimize the size of your images: Use image compression tools to reduce the file size of your images, and use next-gen image formats like webp or AVIF, which offer better compression than traditional formats like JPEG and PNG.
► Minimize the size of your video files: Use video compression tools to reduce the file size of your video files.
► Minimize the size of your CSS and JavaScript files: Use minification tools to remove any unnecessary white space and comments from your CSS and JavaScript files, which can reduce the file size.
► Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN): By using a CDN, you can distribute your resources across multiple servers, which can help reduce the time it takes for the browser to download them.
► Use browser caching: By setting the cache headers for your resources, you can tell the browser to store a copy of the resource locally, so it doesn’t have to be downloaded again on subsequent page loads.
► Use code splitting techniques: By using code splitting techniques, you can divide your JavaScript files into smaller chunks and only load the ones that are needed for the current view, this will minimize the network payload.
► Use lazy loading: Lazy loading is a technique that allows you to only load resources when they are needed, this will avoid loading unnecessary resources that the user may not see or interact with.
► Use a service worker to cache your resources: Service workers are a powerful way to cache resources and improve the speed of your website, this will allow you to cache your resources and serve them even when the user is offline.

It’s important to note that, Avoiding enormous network payloads can help improve a website’s speed, but it is also important to keep in mind that the process of avoiding enormous network payloads can be tricky and can break your website, so it’s always a good idea to have a backup of your website before trying to avoid enormous network payloads.

How to Reduce initial server response time to improve your website’s speed?

There are several ways to reduce initial server response time and improve a website’s speed:

► Optimize your server: Use a faster web server software, like Nginx or LiteSpeed, and make sure your server has enough resources to handle the traffic to your website.
► Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN): A CDN can help reduce the initial server response time by caching and serving your content from servers that are closer to the user.
► Use caching: Caching can help reduce the initial server response time by storing a copy of the response on the server or in the browser, so it doesn’t have to be generated again for subsequent requests.
► Optimize your database: Use database optimization techniques, like indexing and denormalization, to reduce the time it takes for the server to retrieve data from the database.
► Use a faster hosting provider: Consider moving to a faster hosting provider that can offer more resources and better performance.
► Use a CDN for your database: Some CDN providers offer database caching services that can help reduce the time it takes for the server to retrieve data from the database.
► Use a load balancer: A load balancer can help distribute the traffic to your website across multiple servers, which can help reduce the initial server response time.
► Monitor and troubleshoot server issues: Use tools to monitor your server’s performance, like New Relic or AppDynamics, and troubleshoot any issues that may be causing delays in the initial server response time.

It’s important to note that, Reducing the initial server response time can help improve a website’s speed, but it is also important to keep in mind that the process of reducing the initial server response time can be tricky and can break your website, so it’s always a good idea to have a backup of your website before trying to reduce the initial server response time.

How to Properly size images to improve your website’s speed?

Properly sizing images can help improve a website’s speed by reducing the amount of data that needs to be downloaded and processed by the browser. Here are several ways to properly size images to improve your site’s speed:

► Use the appropriate image size: Make sure that the images on your website are the appropriate size for their intended use. For example, if you have an image that is intended to be displayed at a width of 800px, don’t use an image that is 3000px wide.
► Use responsive images: Use the srcset and sizes attributes on img tags to provide different versions of the same image at different sizes, this will allow the browser to choose the appropriate image size based on the device and screen size.
► Use a tool like ImageOptim or to optimize your images: These tools can help reduce the file size of your images without compromising their quality.
► Use a plugin like WP Smush for WordPress: This plugin automatically optimizes images when they are uploaded to your website.
► Use a service like Cloudinary or Imgix: These services can help optimize and resize your images on the fly.
► Use picture and source tags in HTML, this will allow you to specify different image sizes for different devices and browsers.
► Use lazy loading, this will allow you to only load images when they are needed, this will avoid loading unnecessary images that the user may not see or interact with.

It’s important to note that, Properly sizing images can help improve a website’s speed, but it is also important to keep in mind that the process of properly sizing images can be tricky and can break your website, so it’s always a good idea to have a backup of your website before trying to properly size images.

How to Defer offscreen images to improve your website’s speed?

Deferring offscreen images can help improve a website’s speed by only loading the images that are currently visible to the user, which reduces the amount of data that needs to be downloaded and processed by the browser. Here are several ways to defer offscreen images to improve your site’s speed:

► Use lazy loading: Lazy loading is a technique that allows you to only load images when they are needed, this will avoid loading unnecessary images that the user may not see or interact with.
► Use the IntersectionObserver API: This API allows you to detect when an element is visible in the viewport and only load the image when it is needed.
► Use a library like lazysizes: This is a library that makes it easy to implement lazy loading of images on your website.
► Use a plugin like Lazy Load for WordPress: This plugin automatically defers offscreen images on your website.
► Use a service like Cloudinary or Imgix: These services can help optimize and lazy load your images on the fly.
► Use a tool like Chrome DevTools to see which images are loading when the page is loaded and decide which one of them can be deferred.
► Use the loading attribute on the img tag. This attribute allows you to specify if an image should be loaded immediately or deferred.

It’s important to note that, Deferring offscreen images can help improve a website’s speed, but it is also important to keep in mind that the process of Deferring offscreen images can be tricky and can break your website, so it’s always a good idea to have a backup of your website before trying to Defer offscreen images.

How to Serve static assets with an efficient cache policy to improve your website’s speed?

Serving static assets with an efficient cache policy can help improve a website’s speed by reducing the amount of data that needs to be downloaded and processed by the browser. Here are several ways to serve static assets with an efficient cache policy to improve your site’s speed:

► Use browser caching: By setting cache headers for your resources, you can tell the browser to store a copy of the resource locally, so it doesn’t have to be downloaded again on subsequent page loads.
► Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN): A CDN can help improve the cache policy of your assets by caching them on servers that are closer to the user.
► Use a tool like the Google PageSpeed Insights: This tool can analyze your website and provide recommendations on how to improve the cache policy of your assets.
► Use a plugin like WP Fastest Cache for WordPress: This plugin can help improve the cache policy of your assets on your WordPress website.
► Use a service like Cloudflare: This service can help improve the cache policy of your assets by caching them on a global network of servers.
► Use the Expires or Cache-Control headers to set the expiration time of your assets. This will allow you to specify how long the browser should keep a copy of the resource before requesting it again.
► Use the ETag header to set the version of your assets. This will allow you to specify how the browser should handle the resource when it has been updated.

It’s important to note that, Serving static assets with an efficient cache policy can help improve a website’s speed, but it is also important to keep in mind that the process of serving static assets with an efficient cache policy can be tricky and can break your website.

How to Efficiently encode images to improve your website’s speed?

Efficiently encoding images can help improve a website’s speed by reducing the amount of data that needs to be downloaded and processed by the browser. Here are several ways to efficiently encode images to improve your site’s speed:

► Use next-gen image formats like WebP or AVIF: These image formats offer better compression than traditional formats like JPEG and PNG, which can lead to smaller file sizes and faster load times.
► Use image compression tools: Use tools like ImageOptim or to compress your images without compromising their quality.
► Use a plugin like WP Smush for WordPress: This plugin automatically compresses images when they are uploaded to your website.
► Use a service like Cloudinary or Imgix: These services can help optimize and compress your images on the fly.
► Use picture and source tags in HTML, this will allow you to specify different image formats and compressions for different devices and browsers.
► Use a tool like to manually adjust the image compression level and see the effect on the image quality and file size.
► Use lazy loading, this will allow you to only load images when they are needed, this will avoid loading unnecessary images that the user may not see or interact with.

It’s important to note that, Efficiently encoding images can help improve a website’s speed, but it is also important to keep in mind that the process of efficiently encoding images can be tricky and can break your website, so it’s always a good idea to have a backup of your website before trying to efficiently encode images.

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