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ICC issues ‘arrest warrant’ for Putin


Russia is one of many countries that do not recognize the Hague-based institution

The Pre-trial Chamber of the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued warrants on Friday for the arrest of Russian President Vladimir Putin and Maria Lvova-Belova, the presidential commissioner for children’s rights.

The Hague-based tribunal is not recognized by Moscow, and the move has no legal validity in Russia. The US also does not recognize the body, which has been accused of being Eurocentric and biased towards the West.

The Russian Foreign Ministry immediately dismissed the announcement. “The decisions of the International Criminal Court do not matter to our country, including from a legal point of view,” spokeswoman Maria Zakharova wrote on Telegram.

Senator Andrey Klishas, a senior member of the ruling United Russia party, called the announcement “absurd,” saying the ICC is putting itself on the road to self-destruction.

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