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‘Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3’ to focus on Rocket’s emotional journey, says James Gunn


Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 to focus on Rockets emotional journey, says James Gunn
‘Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3’ to focus on Rocket’s emotional journey, says James Gunn

James Gunn, writer and director of the Guardians of the Galaxy movies, that the characters in the movies all feel like outcasts, but perhaps specifically Rocket.

Rocket, the weapons expert of the group, feels the most isolated, and his backstory will be explored in the upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3.

“I was driving home from that meeting, and I thought, ‘Rocket is the saddest creature in the universe,’” Gunn says. “This is a little animal who was taken and turned into something he shouldn’t be. He felt completely ostracized and alienated from every other life form in the galaxy and was angry because of that. He’s scared”

Gunn says that Rocket’s story is the core of the movie, and it was important for him to tell the character’s whole story.

“It was very important for me to tell that whole story,” Gunn continues. “That was the main thing that kept me driven during the making of this movie because I felt like it was important as far as these things can be…The first story is the story of the mother; the second film is the story of the father; and this film is the story of the self so it’s innately more intimate because of that.”

“Rocket’s the one I feel close to, so this is my story,” He continues. “Rocket is me, in so many ways, I did feel like this movie is really me and Marvel Studios was great in that they trusted me to be me like they always have.”

Rocket’s character has been an emotional catalyst throughout the movies, and in Vol. 3, he will be forced to confront his lack of empathy for anyone outside his clan. Gunn identifies with Rocket and feels that the movie is a personal statement.


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