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Here’s How You Help Your Kid Get Rid of Social Anxiety


Last Updated: February 23, 2023, 16:07 IST

Here are a few tips that you may follow as a parent.

Here are a few tips that you may follow as a parent.

Kids are afraid to fail or make mistakes.

Suffering from social anxiety disorder could mean that even the most casual social interactions may leave you trembling and afraid of criticism or rejection. Severe social anxiety can impact your day-to-day life by making it difficult to take part in common activities. Social anxiety disorder is very common among children and it is one of the main reasons kids are afraid to fail or make mistakes.

They may be afraid to let other people down and get embarrassed in front of others. Social anxiety is very much treatable, although strategies to overcome it, depend both on individual personalities and how much the disorder is impacting their life. Here are a few tips that you may follow as a parent:

Prepare your child

If you are aware that a situation is coming up that could cause anxiety to your child, prepare them as much as you can. Explain what will happen, how will the people respond and what you will do in the situation.

Share your example

Present your example in front of the child. Tell them how you too used to go through such situations and how things changed for you. By doing this, the child will not hesitate to share his problem with you.

Role-play with the people around you

Ask a trusted friend or family member to role-play the everyday conversations with you. Indulging children in a made-up environment which feels real could do wonders for them.

Focus on progress

Social anxiety is linked to perfectionism. Fear of failure and looking bad in front of friends, all contribute heavily to a child’s anxious feelings in a situation. You should make your child focus on the process instead of the goal. You should tell them about how fun it is to play sports and how much you love to hear them playing a musical instrument.

Tell them that it is normal

If your child is in pre-school and is afraid to meet people, then tell him that most of the children who are of this age suffer from this problem. As a parent, you should tell your child that if he shares his point with people, then people will be willing to help him.

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